Map of Cemeteries
1 Abbey, Ballina
2 Addergoole
3 Ardagh
4 Ballinahaglish
5 Ballinglen
6 Ballycastle
7 Ballycroy
8 Ballysakeery
9 Bangor
10 Belderrig
11 Binghamstown
12 Bofeenaun
13 Bonniconlon
14 Bonnifinglas
15 Carne
16 Claggan
17 Cloghans
18 Colony, Achill
19 Craggagh
20 Cross Abbey
21 Cross, Belderra
22 Cross, new
23 Crossmolina
24 Crosspatrick
25 Curraunboy
26 Doohooma
27 Doonfeeny
28 Emlybeg
29 Fahy
30 Fallmore
31 Geesala
32 Glenamoy
33 Glencastle, main
34 Glencastle, new
35 Glencastle, old
36 Holy Trinity, Achill
37 Inver
38 Kilbelfad
39 Kilbride
40 Kilcummin
41 Kildownet, new
42 Kildownet, old
43 Kilfian, new
44 Kilfian, old
45 Kilgalligan
46 Kilgarvan
47 Killala
48 Killeen old
49 Killogeary
50 Kilmurray
51 Kiltane
52 Lacken new
53 Lacken old
54 Leigue, Ballina
55 Lisheen
56 Moygawnagh new
57 Moygawnagh old
58 Mullafarry
59 Mullafarry old
60 Pollatomish
61 Rathfran
62 Rathreagh
63 Slievemore main
64 Slievemore new
65 Slievemore old
66 Straide Abbey
67 Straide Church
68 Straide new
69 Straide old
70 St Johns, Ballyc.
71 St Marys, Xmolina
72 St Michaels Bal'na
73 St Patricks , Killala
74 St Thomas, Achill
75 Teampall Maol
76 Templemore
77 Termoncarragh
78 Toomore new
79 Toomore old
80 Belmullet C of I
Ballycastle Deaths
Ballycastle Marriages
Bonnifinglas Burials
Moygawnagh Old Cemetery Headstones
Location: Half mile SW of Moygawnagh town, 8 miles south of Ballycastle
Map: 54.157471 N, 9.354236 W
No of headstones: 230+ (only a fraction of graves have headstones)
Date range: 1840 - 2006 (observed)
Recorded: all headstones photographed September 2009
Top photo:
The footbridge to the old Moygawnagh cemetery
Bottom photo:
The old Moygawnagh cemetery
The old Moygawnagh cemetery is about half a mile south-west of Moygawnagh town. The short driveway to the cemetery is on the west side of the Crossmolina road behind iron gates. There is a parking area at the end of the drive and the secluded cemetery is on the other side of the river, across a footbridge. Some of the headstones are too weathered to be legible and many of the graves have no headstones. There is a relatively new Graveyard behind the church in Moygawnagh.
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ANDERSON, R P 1982, Anna 1951, (NEARY) MGO
BILBOE, Martin 1961, MGO
BILBOE, Patrick, Bridget, Michael, Thomas, MGO
BIRRANE, Anne 1943, Michael 1962, MGO
BIRRANE, Bridget 1976, John 1980, MGO
BIRRANE, Marie 1931, Edward 1967, MGO
BIRRANE, Michael 1970, Annie Josephine 1960, Mary Jane 1988, MGO
BIRRANE, Michael, Bridget, MGO
BIRRANE, Paddy 1973, Bridget 1999, MGO
BIRRANE, Thomas 1963, MGO
BLEHEIN, Kate 1927, MGO
BLUETT, Pat 1980, Ann 1992, MGO
BOURKE, Maria 1920, John 1933, Mary Agnes 1919, MGO
BOURKE, William Orme 1928, MGO
BREEN, James 1949, Bridget 1959, MGO
BROWNE, Ann 1941, Anthony 1951, James 1969, Mary McHALE 1981, MGO
BROWNE, Anne 1945, Thomas HEGARTY 1957, MGO
BROWNE, Anthony 1968, MGO
BROWNE, Anthony 1974, MGO
BROWNE, Henry 1954, Ellen 1963, MGO
BROWNE, John 1937, Annie 1956, MGO
BROWNE, John 1940, Mary 1947, MGO
BROWNE, John 1977, Kate 1978, MGO
BROWNE, Martin 1926, MGO
BROWNE, Martin 1964, Paddy 1973, Bridget 1975, MGO
BROWNE, Mary Anne 1918, MGO
BROWNE, Michael, MGO
BROWNE, Pat 1914, MGO
BYRON, Peter 1934, MGO
CAFFERTY, Bridget 1967, Patrick 1977, MGO
CAFFERTY, Michael 1971, Mary 1990, Mary 1980, MGO
CALLAGHAN, Francis 1969, Belinda 1970, Patrick 1958, Catherine 1925, Hugh 1928, MGO
CALLAGHAN, Michael 1939, Ellen 1944, John 1958, Mary 1951, Patrick 1989, MGO
CARDEN, Katie 1970, Thomas 1973, MGO
CARDEN, Mary 1916, (RYAN) MGO
CAREY, Michael 1976, James 1972, MGO
CAWLEY, James 1956, (HORAN) MGO
CAWLEY, John 1845, Mary 1851, MGO
CAWLEY, John 1910, Bridget 1918, John 1895, MGO
CAWLEY, John 1912, Mary 1924, MGO
CAWLEY, John 1944, Mary GILROY 1949, MGO
CAWLEY, John 1960, Patrick 1968, Catherine 1986, MGO
CAWLEY, Michael 1974, Patrick 1983, MGO
CAWLEY, Pat, Bridget, Kate, Mary, MGO
CAWLEY, Thomas 1915, Annie MORAN 1956, Patrick MORAN 1953, MGO
CILLORAN, Patrick Anthony, Bridget, MGO
CLARKE, Winifred 1954, MGO
CLIFFORD, Patrick 1904, Bridget 1917, Patrick 1942, Margaret 1950, MGO
COMMONS, Patrick 1921, Margaret 1948, Michael 1936, Mary MAHON 1943, MGO
CONMY, John 1940, MGO
CONNOR, Bridget 1937, Pat 1951, Mary 1944, MGO
CONNOR, Mary 1919, Michael 1921, Ellen 1951, Michael 1951, MGO
CONNOR, Mary 1944, MGO
CRONIN, Annie 1946, Michael 1979, MGO
CRONIN, Martin 1977, Winifred 1955, MGO
CRONIN, Thomas 1970, Mary 1987, Raymond 1978, MGO
CUFFE, John 1970, MGO
CUMMINS, Edward 1941, Ellen 1975, Vincent 1997, MGO
CUMMINS, James 1913, Kitty 1952, MGO
DAVIS, John P 1978, Bridget 1989, Patrick 1979, MGO
DIAMOND, Michael 1961, Margaret 2006, MGO
DIAMOND, Pat 1905, Anne 1947, James 1924, Bridget, Bridget, Patrick, MGO
DIAMOND, Patrick 1934, Anthony 1936, Catherine 1953, MGO
DOHERTY, John 1966, Margaret 1968, Thomas 1986, MGO
DOOHER, John, Mary, MGO
DOOHER, Michael 1956, Teresa 1997, MGO
DUNLEAVY, ---- 1881, Catherine, MGO
DUNLEAVY, Anthony 1872, Jane 1882, Kate 1911, MGO
DUNLEAVY, Anthony 1904, Anne 190-, Jane, Mary HORAN 192-, MGO
DURKIN, Ann 1957, MGO
DURKIN, Thomas, Margaret 1968, MGO
EGAN, Martin 1958, Nora 1977, MGO
FARRELL, Ellen 1921, Martin 1928, Teresa 1923, MGO
FARRELL, May 1962, Joe 1994, MGO
FARRELL, Michael 1929, MGO
FARRELL, Patrick 1945, Elizabeth 1969, Bernadette STAUNTON 1971, MGO
FINNERTY, Anne 1907, MGO
FINNERTY, Anthony 1929, Mary 1953, MGO
FINNERTY, Cecilia Florence 1978, Anthony Joseph 1989, MGO
FINNERTY, Drifget 1952, John 1917, MGO
FINNERTY, Ellen 1953, Anthony 1969, MGO
FINNERTY, Hugh 1956, MGO
FINNERTY, James 1941, Mary 1976, MGO
FINNERTY, James 1981, Peg 1994, MGO
FINNERTY, John 1955, Thomas 1955, Katie 1973, James 1982, MGO
FINNERTY, Michael 1903, Mary 1940, Kathleen 1938, Annie O'DONNELL 1973, MGO
FINNERTY, Patrick 1966, MGO
FINNERTY, Roger 1959, Bridget 1961, Kathleen 1931, Fr Rory 1975, Michael 1959, MGO
FINNERTY, Thomas 1898, Mary 1916, MGO
FINNERTY, Thomas, Celia, Joe, Tom, Mary, MGO
FLANAGAN, Pat 1924, Winifred 1925, MGO
FORRESTAL, Philip 1961, Catherine 1961, MGO
FRANEY, Michael 1906, MGO
GALLAGHER, Anthony, Mary, Patricia, MGO
GALLAGHER, Michael 1956, Mary 1961, MGO
GALLAGHER, Patrick 1884, Bridget 1971, Catherine 1939, MGO
GALLAGHER, Patrick 1943, Mary 1951, Patrick 1965, Catherine 1973, Margaret O'BOYLE 1963, MGO
GALLAGHER, Patrick 1960, Ann 1941, MGO
GALLAGHER, Peter 1952, Michael 1993, Michael MURPHY 1953, MGO
GALLAGHER, Peter 1966, Elizabeth 1967, Patrick 1983, Anthony 1985, MGO
GARDINER, Robert 1958, Mary Kate 1979, MGO
GIBLIN, Bridget, James NEARY 1899, MGO
GILL, Michael 1997, Mary Kate 2000, MGO
GILL, Robert, Collin 1940, MGO
GILLEN, Patrick J 1971, Sheila 1981, MGO
GILVARRY, Johnny 1953, MGO
GILVARRY, Mary 1948, James 1972, John 2000, Michael REGAN 1952, MGO
GOUGH, John 1943, Maria 1964, Joseph 1963, MGO
HEALY, Bryon 1935, Bridget 1955, Ena 1933, MGO
HEALY, Lena 1951, MGO
HEALY, Patrick 1952, MGO
HEALY, Peter, Mary, Michael, Lawrence, MGO
HEFFRON, James 1952, Margaret 1961, Mae 1979, MGO
HEGARTY, Edward 1953, Eddie, !995, MGO
HEGARTY, Elizabeth 1924, Patrick 1923, MGO
HEGARTY, James 1929, MGO
HEGARTY, Pat 1966, Katie 1987, MGO
HEGARTY, Patrick 1960, MGO
HEGARTY, Thomas 1957, Anne BROWNE 1945, MGO
HENRY, James 1960, Margaret 1965, (KELLY) MGO
HEVERIN, Sabina 1890, MGO
HOLMES, Daniel 1901, Anne 193o, Ellen 1928, MGO
HORAN, Jane 1934, Michael 1947, Josephine 1954, Annie 1964, (CAWLEY) MGO
HUGHES, Patrick 1980, Martin 1982, MGO
IRWIN, Daniel 1982, Sabina 1985, MGO
IRWIN, James 1912, Anne 1906, James 1931, Bridget 1933, Michael 1962, MGO
JENNINGS, Thomas 1945, Sarah 1956, MGO
KEARNEY, Ellen 1942, MGO
KELLY, Anthony 1950, Bridget 1957, MGO
KELLY, Edward 1950, Kate 1969, MGO
KELLY, Hugh 1938, Bridget 1955, MGO
KELLY, John 1968, Mary Kate 1985, MGO
KELLY, Mary 1934, (HENRY), MGO
KELLY, Michael 1928, Thomas 1931, Julia 1959, Jogn 1965, MGO
KELLY, Pat 1959, Bridget 1967, MGO
KELLY, Patrick 1884, Thomas 1902, MGO
KELLY, Patrick 1953, Annie 1957, Maisie McDONNELL 1955, MGO
KELLY, Patrick 1960, Elizabeth 1954, Mary Kate 1957, Bridget 1977, MGO
KELLY, Sarah 1887, Thomas 1887, Philip 1890, MGO
KELLY, Thomas 1949, Catherine 1955, MGO
KELLY, Thomas 1962, Annie 1975, MGO
LYNN, Francis 1936, Michael 1924, MGO
LYNN, James 1981, Mary 1991, MGO
LYNOTT, Bridget 1968, James 1984, MGO
LYNOTT, James 1975, Elizabeth 1980, MGO
MAHON, Thomas 1982, Catherine DOOHER 1980, MGO
MALONEY, Ellen 1957, Peter 1972, Patrick 1983, MGO
MALONEY, John 1978, Mary 1993, MGO
MALONEY, Peter 1980, Paddy 2001, MGO
MARTIN, Anthony 1940, MGO
MAUGHAN, Charlie 1958, Mary Kate 1996, MGO
MAUGHAN, James 1958, John Patrick, Mary, MGO
MAUGHAN, John 1951, MGO
MAYOCK, Mary 1960, John 1977, MGO
McANDREW, James 1912, MGO
McANDREW, John 1931, MGO
McANDREW, Katie 1978, Patrick 1985, MGO
McANDREW, Mary 1976, James 1946, Martin 1994, MGO
McANDREW, Michael 1958, Ann 1973, MGO
McANDREW, Patrick 1953, Sarah 1976, MGO
McANDREW, Patrick 1961, MGO
McANDREW, Patrick, Patrick, Bridget, MGO
McANDREWS, Bridget 1927, MGO
McCAVOCK, Bridget 1877, MGO
McDONNELL, Thomas 1977, Sarah 1983, MGO
McGIVNEY, Bernard, Ann, Agnes, Margaret, Bernard 1989, MGO
McGIVNEY, Patrick 1971, Bridgie 1996, MGO
McGLYNN, 1964, Michael 1967, MGO
McGOWAN, Thomas 1978, MGO
McGUINESS, John 1924, Mary 1912, Stephen 1924, MGO
McHALE, Anthony 1979, MGO
McHALE, Mary 1981, (BROWNE) MGO
McLOUGHLIN, Bridget 1964, (MOORE) MGO
McLOUGHLIN, Eddie 1930, Mary, Thomas 1916, MGO
McLOUGHLIN, John 1942, Mary, Maggie Ellen, Anthony, Kate Ann, Bridget 1963, MGO
McLOUGHLIN, Patrick 1955, Edward 1949, Mary 1965, MGO
MELVIN, John, Michael, MGO
MONAHAN, Peter, 1916, MGO
MONNELLY, Joseph 1973, MGO
MOORE family, MGO
MOORE, John, Julia, Sergant A, MGO
MOORE, Patrick 1961,Caroline 1969, Margaret 1998, Bridget McLOUGHLIN 1964, MGO
MOORE, Richard 1947, Julia 2002, MGO
MORAN, Patrick 1953, Annie CAWLEY 1956, Thomas CAWLEY 1915, MGO
MOYLES, Johnny 1999, Frank, JuliaAnn, Julia, Michael GERAGHTY, MGO
MOYLES, Katie 1963, Michael REAPE 1981, Mary REAPE 1997, MGO
MOYLES, Michael 1926, Ellen 1936, MGO
MUNNELLY, --nes, Margaret 1888, MGO
MUNNELLY, Agnes 1982, James 1983, MGO
MUNNELLY, Anthony 1944, Annie 1975, Patrick 1991, MGO
MUNNELLY, Anthony 1979, MGO
MUNNELLY, Elizabeth 1978, Margaret 1982, MGO
MUNNELLY, James 1961, Katie 1963, John Joseph 1978, MGO
MUNNELLY, John 1977, MGO
MUNNELLY, Joseph 1974, MGO
MUNNELLY, Mary, Katie, Bridget, John, MGO
MUNNELLY, Michael 1952, Margaret 1942, Thomas 1932, MGO
MUNNELLY, Patrick 1916, MGO
MURPHY, Mary 1908, Thomas 1924, Kate FARRELL 1948, MGO
MURPHY, Mary 1930, James 1965, MGO
MURPHY, Michael 1956, Ellen 1956, MGO
MURPHY, Patrick 1960, Bridget 1955, MGO
MURPHY, Thomas 1926, Mary 1948, MGO
MURPHY, Thomas, Bridget, MGO
NAUGHTON, Anthony 1957, Katie 1979, MGO
NAUGHTON, Bridget 1946, Anthony 1948, Josephine 1964, Patrick 1983, Mary 2000, MGO
NEALIS, ---- 1847, Eleanor 1847, Mary IRWIN 1887, MGO
NEALIS, Charles 1931, Ann 1962, John 1967, Mary Jo 1981, MGO
NEARY, James 1899, Bridget GIBLIN, MGO
NEARY, Patrick, Maria, James Patrick, (ANDERSON) MGO
O'BOYLE, Margaret 1963, (GALLAGHER) MGO
O'BOYLE, Michael 1940, Celia 1951, Michael Bob 1964, MGO
O'BOYLE, Pat 1957, Mary Anne 1984, Veronica 1955, Paddy 2001, MGO
O'DONNELL, Thomas, Ellen, Frank, Thomas, MGO
ORME, John 1967, Annie 1978, MGO
ORME, William 1946, MGO
QUINN, Edward 1935, Maria 1943, Patrick 1965, Peter 1969, Julia 1951, Bridget 1983, MGO
QUINN, Pat 1920, Julia 1915, Bridget 1891, MGO
REAPE, Anthony 1925, Sarah 1928, Patrick 1934, MGO
REAPE, Michael 1981, Mary 1997, Katie MOYLES 1963, MGO
REAPE, Patrick 1971, Bridget 1958, MGO
REAPE, Patrick 1972, Bridget 1946, MGO
REGAN, Michael 1952, (GILVARRY) MGO
REILLY, John 1969, Mary 1976, MGO
ROCHE, Catherine 1958, Patrick 1964, Bridget 1946, MGO
ROGERS, Peter 1840, Anne 1846, MGO
ROWLAND, Catherine 1908, Michael 1933, MGO
ROWLAND, Patrick 1949, MGO
RUANE, Michael 1914, John 1931, Catherine 1957, MGO
RUDDY, Mary 1903, James 1924, Julia 1963, MGO
RYAN, Margaret 1930, Mary CARDEN 1916, Lorna --- 1905, MGO
SHEERIN, John 1944, MGO
SPELLMAN, Anthony 1936, Nora 1956, MGO
SPELLMAN, Ellen 1946, Thomas 1949, Mary 1991, Maria DOOHER 1963, MGO
SPELLMAN, William 1949, Anne 1956, John Patrick 1932, MGO
STAUNTON, Francis 1977, Teresa 1984, MGO
TAHENY, Richard 1954, Mary Ellen 1958, Martin 1982, MGO
TIGHE, Ann 1919, Thomas 1934, Joseph 1932, MGO
TIGHE, Patrick 1945, Bridget 1947, MGO
TOOHILL, Patrick 1937, MGO
WALKER, Thomas 1886, MGO
WALSH, Peter 1977, Bridget 1988, MGO
WINTERS, Thomas 1983, Nora 1970, MGO
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