Location: Ardagh parish, 3 miles W of Ballina
Map: 54.097975 N, 9.225716W
Number of headstones: 75+ legible headstones
Date range: 1785 to 2010 (observed)
Recorded: all legible headstones photographed April 2011
Top photo
Entrance to Ardagh Graveyard
Bottom photo
Partially restored Ardagh Church ruins
The name 'Ardagh' is derived from the Irish 'ard achad' meaning 'high ground', which is quite apt for this location. At the back of this burial ground is an old graveyard that contains the ruins of the original Ardagh church that is said to date back to the 12th century. At the front is a new cemetery. The church ruins have been partially restored, but the old graveyard has many unmarked graves and some headstones are too weathered to be read. This graveyard is not easy to find as, although the old church is marked on the Ordnance Survey maps, part of the single-track road leading to it does not appear on the maps. Also, the entrance is hidden behind farm gates and along a farm road. Even some of the locals were not sure how to reach it.
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